Thursday, February 15, 2007

Comm 150 2:00 pm Blog here all Valentine's Week!

Go ahead and post your comments and links to your blog here all week!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Clark & Young



We may as well change the firm name to "Chase J. Young." It is the same amount of letters and has some sort of familiarity to it. Call me crazy, but when someone says or I hear the words, "Chase J. Young," I tend to pay attention. Now, when I hear "Clark & Young," my mind wanders.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Comm 150 7:45 am All comments here for Valentine's Week!

Don't miss the 90 year old American Dog Derby this Saturday morning thru afternoon in downtown Ashton. Take your camera and win serious money for good photos!

Today we talked about the Maturity Continuum and Habits 1-3. We also discussed how our maturity might impact listening, relationships and parenting.

We showed "Dances with Wolves" and talked about the Native American practice of using a talking stick for more active listening.

Your blog post should talk about at least two key principles and how they could apply in your life. You should also teach them to someone close to you within the first 24 hours of class. If you teach before you post, you should include something about the teaching experience in your post. If you teach after your post, go back in and edit your post to add what resulted from teaching the principles from class.

Please remember--Post on your blog, then add a coment to this blog which has the link to your blog. Make your comment an overview, in 5 lines or less, of your blog--one that will attract others to visit your blog!

If you're still having problems blogging, go to "" and enter "how to blog" or go to "" and go through the items in the help menu/tutorial so you can do it--or go to the library and ask one of the roving computer TA's in one of the student-use computers how to get it done!

Your posts will now be due no later than 3 pm the night before class so that others will have time to read your blog and comment on it!

Then post your comments to at least two other blogs.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

New Blogging (technology)

As the overseers of technology we have devised a better way to track, post, and reply to blogs. We also propose a better way to communicate and work within our own columns. First establish a team leader. This leader will post a blog related to the activities of the last class period. They will post it on their own blog as well as publish it on Br. Adams blog. Each of the other members of the group will post a response to this posting. This will provide a steady flow of information within each discipline.
Second, all teams must designate a liaison to the other teams. This leader will post a response to the team they are responsible over. This will enhance communications between the respective disciplines. Please post a response or email me ( ) with any questions.

"I Dream of Jeanie" TECH Comm250 2-8-07

Hey, let's make sure that we as a technology group are always on the same page. In the future if you have any questions, comments, or concerns go ahead and post them here.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Capital Group

We need to know what everyone needs, so that we have reasons for asking for money. The more detailed your group can analysis what it needs the better we will be able to ask for it and monitor how money is being spent.

We need to have potentially one other person (probably from the People’s Group) since they are the largest in the class to join the Capital’s group we only have 3 people total and myself (Scott) am also part of the other class, so it is important to have another person so the work load can be balanced better.

As towards a name for our firm I am ok with Clark & Young, referring to President Clark and BYU-I.

Emotional Aikido -- Comm 150 a.m. & p.m. 2/7/07

Both 150 classes may post comments here regarding our discussion of Emotional Aikido.