Thursday, February 8, 2007

New Blogging (technology)

As the overseers of technology we have devised a better way to track, post, and reply to blogs. We also propose a better way to communicate and work within our own columns. First establish a team leader. This leader will post a blog related to the activities of the last class period. They will post it on their own blog as well as publish it on Br. Adams blog. Each of the other members of the group will post a response to this posting. This will provide a steady flow of information within each discipline.
Second, all teams must designate a liaison to the other teams. This leader will post a response to the team they are responsible over. This will enhance communications between the respective disciplines. Please post a response or email me ( ) with any questions.


Ben Pingel said...

Question- can we have just one liason or do we need one person designated to communicate with each group?

Claudiu Bora said...

I Think is a great idea. So we post our comments here from now on?

Anonymous said...

Good post.