Thursday, February 1, 2007

COMM 250

1. Great "act rather than be acted upon" when I came to class from the All-employee meeting with President Clark, class was already underway, with the prayer and scripture done and Peer-to-Peer teaching being done between fellow students in a discussion about improving our blogging, etc. Way to go, "Clark & Young!"

2. Blogging--as I understand it, the decision, with the Technology group leading implementation, was to have each of 8 discipline guides, (5 Functional Areas) People, Market, Technology, Capital, Organization, (3 Practice Areas) Strategy, Operations and Change, posting every day about key insights and activities in their 7 Habits, Mission, Expectations, Group Representatives
3. I was reminded in the All-employee meeting about the opportunity I will take before each and every class to pray that our time may be for your best benefit. In thinking how we're rethinking education here and how that continues to stretch us all, I also commit to praying that collectively--and individually--we will all be blessed with the additional increasing capacity we will need as we strive to learn "line upon line, precept upon precept." I'm reminded of the scripture--"teach ye (one another) diligently, and my grace shall attend you..." As we stretch ourselves and strive--for our families and other life's work--to "learn at the speed of change" in organizations, the economy and the world, we will find that His grace is sufficient after we have done all we can do!

4. Eric lead us in a discussion of making one member each of each of the 5 functional areas the liason to the four other areas to facilitate communication. We need to be thinking about that and get back to him.

5. Scott, Eric, and now possibly David are going to be attending both 250 and 455. Some students from 455 may soon be attending 250. If we have one of them as a group facilitator for 250 in each functional area, it should help with communication and common expectations.

6. We discussed having our class be primarily focused on founding, developing and operating "Clark & Young" with a secondary focus on external client service to our large, non-profit Client A, and our smaller, for-profit Client B. Comm 455 would have the opposite approach. We discussed how for external client service Comm 250 would fill the roles of: Analyst, Consultant and Senior Consultant--and that Comm 455 would fulfill the roles of Manager, Senior Manager, and Partner. We mentioned the need for our Market group to evaluate the brand/corporate identity "Clark & Young" to see if we move ahead with it or rebrand ourselves.

7. We spent 10 minutes talking about Stephen Covey's "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" outlining for the first time the maturity continuum and each of the 7 Habits. We applied them to Org Comm as "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective ORGANIZATIONS."

I stepped in because a student had expressed they were confused about where we were headed with the class--and often that which is most personal is most general. I believe today we took a big step forward in helping define our future! Thanks for how proactive you are all becoming!


Ben Pingel said...

I had a few thoughts on the people group's responsibilities, so I thought I'd share...

I feel like we have several responsibilites that involve training and relations.
We need to make sure that everyone in the class understands what is going on, and that communication is working within and between groups. We need to work jointly with the organizational group on that one.

This is going to involve training the class- on blogging, adsense, organizational principles, etc. That's where interviews will come in- finding out from department heads (and Bro. Adams) exactly what they want us to get from this experience, so that we can direct the class in that direction.

I feel also that we're responsible for relations of classmates throughout the project. Here's where I need to repent. I have struggled with the lack of disorganization and understanding, and I apologize for perhaps voicing my concerns. I feel that we need to start worrying about attitudes, including and especially our own. We need to set a standard and be an example to the rest of the class- by being positive about the things that are happening. Even though we may be upset or whatever, we need to give the impression that this is great. Perhaps we'll start believing it, and so will others.

Also, when he was talking about parties, he wasn't kidding. We need to help everyone bond as a group. I thought that maybe, if he'll let us, we can require each group to get together in some sort of relaxed setting (a pizza party, movie, whatever) as well as a class. That would help us get along better, and thus work together better. Maybe we can talk to the capital team and see what the budget is like and if we can throw a party in class. If Google can do it, why can't we?

Lets think out of the box, and do everything we can to make this a good experience for everyone. Ultimately I think that is our purpose- benefit others in the "organization."

Anonymous said...

Insights: February 1

I agree Ben. Today we really got a lot put on our plate, but I think this class experience is going to be awesome. We get the chance to be our own educators and DO something! I think it's great. I would rather apply what I've learned into a real-world situation than keep reading about Columbia's mishap any day!

Also, I think our groups will function together. It's gonna be tough at first, but once we get used to what we should be doing, I think the process will start flowing. I'm kind of bummed that we're not going to be working with American Family Entertainment or the school, but I guess we can only do so much at first. Maybe the rest of you can take the 455 class next semester and do it for real again!

Finally, as a side note: modern dance is the most expressive dance form. . .

Nathan said...

A letter I wrote today to Brother Adams:

Brother Adams,
I have a few concerns concerning our comm. 250 class. Being that you are, almost without failure, always surrounded by students in need of your time I decided that this would be the most effective way of communicating with you. I would first like to say how excited I am about the opportunities your teaching style is creating for us as students. You are unlike any professor I have ever had and because of this the possibilities and potential of this class seem limitless. I am however somewhat unsure of a few things and for my own personal sanity need a bit of enlightenment. Below are some of the questions that I have formulated this last week. For some I think I understand their answer but I just want to get affirmation that I am on the right track.

∑ Come April 5th what should each of us, your students, walk away with? I am begging to understand the purpose of “The Firm” but being that “the Firm” is only an organizational that is to give us hands on experience as we reach our goal I want to make sure that I understand what the overall purpose is. From what I have gathered when each of us leave this class we should be able to:
o Understand the principles and tools needed for the effective organization of any type of group.
o Understand how to apply these principles in the various groups we are and will be in. (Elders Quorums, Relief societies, school societies, business etc.)

∑ What materials are we going to use to learn the principles and tools for effective group organizations? You have on multiple occasions made reference to resources such as “The 7 Habits.” I fortunately have read the majority of the material that you have made reference to and therefore am ready for “The Firm” as an opportunity to put these things into practice. However I do know that a good number of my classmates are unfamiliar with these materials and are at a loss for what exactly it takes to organize a group let alone help with the organizing of another company. Today for instance you began to teach us what the 7 habits are. My mind raced as I started putting these principles together in my head with what can be done to apply them to our current situation but when talking to others in the class I am realizing that they don’t seem to be connecting the dots.

Being that I am currently part of the group dynamics course I have had the fortunate opportunity to work on Harvard Manage Mentor Modules that teach the tools and principles needed for effective group organization. Is there any way we could implement some of these into our class curriculum to help arm us with the tools that the in class, hands on applications, our requiring of us?

∑ How will class and “The Firm” be lead and organized? You have made it clear that you want to only be a resource but until we have some type of class leadership we will remain dependent on you as the leader. Will we be able to organize our selves outside of individual groups and as a class as a whole? You have started calling assignments “suggestions” alluding to the idea that you want us to decide but as of yet I feel that we are powerless as we are not having the opportunity to make decisions. Do you want us to take more initiative and start organizing ourselves with out your prompting or will you be leading us into the process in future class periods?

Overall I want to understand what our purpose and goals are and what we are allowed to do in getting ourselves there. You have presented us with the exciting opportunity to take our education into our own hands at a level of control we have never before been entrusted with. I know that we have what it takes to meet the challenge but we need to have a thorough understanding of what the challenge is and what we are allowed to do in meeting it. Once this has been established I am confident that the resources, knowledge and creativity we have as individuals will be able to come together to create a synergy that will become a life changing experience in each of our lives!

Thank you for pushing us to new heights of education. Every time I am in class I feel like my paradigms of the way I view myself and my future work are being challenged and changed for the good!

Thank you,
Nathan H. Reagan

Travis said...

Well today was a great class. I feel like we are finally about to jump in the pool. I mean we took care of the on going problem of the blog. (Sounds like some old horror movie.) I’m feeling good about it now, well more then yesterday at least. Then we got to actually almost find out what exactly what we are doing. See then again this being lost in the dark, blind following the blind, event does have its fun bits. I can totally see how this would help in the future. I mean as if real jobs are al clear cut as school is. I think Bro. Adams is trying to set us up for the working world but not only that I think it’s for the future working world. Just like he said today the world is changing and we, as the next generation of the world, have to have it all down. So today my hat is off to you bro Adams. Ok so I have to comment on the 7 habits I don’t know about ya’ll but this is good stuff. It’s like the sweet sweet nectar that comes from the bees, like the ice cream next to a warm apple pie, it just makes everything better. Can you image a piece of apple pie with out ice cream? I mean what is that? It’s just a dessert. But with ice cream it’s like a gourmet dish. I wish you’ll just have to try it to understand. Peace and Love

C. Young said...

I think it's pretty cool that we are in charge or have responsibility over the class. It will be good for us to all work together and accomplish something as an entire class. Many classes are based on individual work and accomplishments. However, if one group fails, the entire class could as well. Also, if one person in a group fails or doesn't pull their weight, then others have to do more. This has been a long-term problem. But, we are all responsible adults, eh? So we should be able to make this work and make it work correctly.
The Divine Center idea is great. Many people do not recognize God or any supreme being. They have a hard time doing it. But, many people do recognize correct and ethical principles--EXCEPT ASPEN VILLAGE APTS., but that's another story for another time. So if people can live correct principles, divine principles, then they can center their lives around God and Christ. Once a person can do that, then everything else seems to fall into order a lot easier.

Kaylee said...

Today in class we discussed some of Steven Covey's methods. We talked about the line of maturity and how their is interdependance, independance, dependance, counter dependance, and codependance. The part of this line that our class will be participating in is the dependance to independance. In this area there are three things that need to be accomplished. First we have to be proactive. I liked how even though Bro. Adams was late to class on thursday, we got class started and began teaching each other. That is a good example of being proactive and acting rather than being acted upon. This is an important concept in a organization because if everybody just waits around for someone else to act, then nobody will act and the organization or business will not progress, but instead begin to digress. The second thing we have to do is begin with the end in mind. We need to figure out what we want as an ending result for this class and start doing what we need to get there with that goal in mind. And the third thing is putting first things first. I think by following these three things we will be well on our way to making the progress and achieving the goals we have for this class.

Abby said...

Thursday was an interesting beginning to a class period. With Brother Adams not being present the class took control of how to start things and get things going so we can be better organized as a whole. With the classes broken up in all of their groups and yet working all together with sharing the information they have, I believe that things will be coming together. If we as a class come together in a well organized manner I think that there can be great success for the end of the semester. I agree with Ben in that if we involve ourselves in getting to know each other along with the work that we have to do there could be even a better outcome.
Along side Brother Adams, arriving later, he shared with us ways that we can have success with this project. I am anxious to see all that comes out of this and how well it can be put together with every ones involvement.

Claudiu Bora said...

Experience for students-portfolio and career results –ability to create results
Benefit clients
Application for students

Know How

Sick first to understand and to be understood
Think win/win or no deal


Be proactive
Private victory
Begin with end in mind


Counter dependence

Not you only you

How things will work on the technology department
Well first we are going to have one person represent each department that we have.
Second we are going to make sure that our communication is clear and there is not any confusion.





Desire Results

I know that there are a lot of confusion in class but we need to come up with a plan and after that make sure that we assign people to a specific job so in this way we are not loosing any more time. Right now I feel that we are not very efficient in communicating and all that creates confusion and nothing is done.
So we need a mission statement also we need to organized as a organization which we did now we are having five department so we need to organized with in the department and make sure that we have a leader in each of the department that will be in charge of how the department will function.
I find it very interesting that is an Organization communication class but we are having hard time to be efficient and productive. I think we need to work as a team and why not some unity games play.

Anonymous said...

As we started to discuss what each group mission statements should be. I started to think what would be the core of the statement. What would we stand for, how would we implement those beliefs and values into the consulting work we would do. I feel that we should be honest in our dealings with the clients. A mission statement is just more then words it is the backbone of any company, firm, group or team. It is the cornerstone of a group. After the mission statement is formed then the group can build up upon that mission statement and establish the foundation of that certain team.

Ian said...

Insights from class February 1, 2007

1. Step It Up

In our class it is time that we all step it up a notch and get some things done within our groups. I think we now know enough of what we have to do that we can actually get some things moving. Our job is to build the organization and help it to run effectively. Moreover, we need to produce some sort of visible results.

2. Get Capitol

As a member of the capitol group we have first and foremost responsibility to get funding for the organization. We need to get this done ASAP so that we can create a budget for the organization to live by. Brother Adams mentioned that we have some funds possibly available through the school. I think we may need to get some sort of mission statement or purpose statement made by one of the other groups to help us in our efforts to apply for funding.

3. Create a Budget

Without a budget, the other engines within the organization will not have a guide as to what they can do. A budget will provide them with direction and insights to what is possible within their group. I think we should collect a budget proposal from each of the engines within the organization. That way we would know how much they expect, what their plans are and how we can help accomplish their goals. Having a budget proposal from each group would also aid us in our proposal for initial funding from the school.

Come check out my new Blog --

JP said...

Today was actually pretty good. Once we get everything going, the class will become more organized and interesting. We just need to work together and help out where needed. This little project should turn out nice with effective teamwork. We all have our own little part to do, and we should focus on that for the benefit of the whole. With the help of "the Divine Center" and the seven habits, we can incorporate learning and improvement into our groups and personal lives.

Justin Pitcher

IdahoSlackliner said...

I finally am understanding it. After our discussion on what we will do as part of the organizational consulting firm in our class is starting to make sense. We are essentially working on the internal structure of the firm. That to me seems like a great way to learn about and understand the various roles and positions that play part in a org consulting firm.

I am glad we were also able to have a classroom lecture on the 7 habits of Stephen Covey and be able to see how they play a role in our lives. The pyramid chart that was shown and discussed was also really cool. I really like how it helped to illustrate the various levels of maturity and how the 7 habits are the fundamentals needed to achieve the "We" level, or the level of interdependence.

I am for a while now been very confused in the class, as I am one that needs structure and I need to be able to visualize it both on paper and in my head. The various items discussed and lectured on really started to open my mind to what is required of me, and what the goal for me to learn from the class experience is.

Claudiu Bora said...

Learning Theory
Context for change
Last time in class we had the chance to talk about how things are changing at BYU-Idaho and how we become the source of the change. Is helping some of the students and teachers and other employees to adapt to the new strategy that university has.
How this applied to our groups?
• Needs of the other groups
• Rules within our group
• Service and surveys done with the groups
• Goals for our group
These are some of the things that might help us to group and move in a direction.

Project Team Development






In the technology department if we go with these plans these are some things we need to accomplish.

1. We need to for our group in the way that we will be able to see what is going on in our group but also to be able to represent the other group’s interest and know what is going on their side.
2. We need to come up with a lot of ideas and have them written down. Set a part each time we need for a five minutes where we could storm in a lot of ideas.
3. We need tot take these ideas and analyzed them to see which of them work and the rest drop them. Also keep our minds open for new ideas and plans of action.
4. We need to perform. Look for technologies and solution to better ways to do staff.
5. Adjusting with the other group ideas and solutions so that will make us very flexible and responsive to the organization itself.
Also I think that we need to be able to come with solutions very fast but also we need to make sure that we have people responsible for the work. A good example will be have a work that is done verified but three people before it becomes available to the group so in these way the error will be very low.

Jenelle Wadsworth said...

I was really impressed with how our class just started without brother Adams there. I also thought it was cool that even though we weren’t really sure what we were doing, we started to try and figure it out on our own. It just showed me how much potential this class has.
I am very excited that we have more control over what we will do as a class. Even though I’m still a little confused as to what we will be doing for our project, I think that it will be a lot of fun figuring it out.
I think this will be a tremendous opportunity for us to learn and grow as students, and as members of society. We will be able to act rather then be acted upon. It is going to be hard trying to figure out what the group can gain from us individually, but it will be worth it.

Rick said...

Insights from 1 February
The necessity of a purpose: I will admit to bieng slightly confused and not suer where we were really headed in the class. I wasn't angry about it, but just slightly frustrated because I wasn't sure of the expectations. However, after Brother Adams outlined the desired results for the class, I felt much reassured. I fell that once I knew what my purpose was, I have a stronger desire to work hard and to learn. I now know what I should be learning as a result of this class.

Ever since I have heard of the Stephen R. Covey's steps to interdependence, I have tried to follow them. We can be so much more productive by being in the interdependent stage. I especially like the idea of synergy-combining energy with others to create more than we could alone, or as a disjointed group. When synergy occurs, 1+1=3.

Kaylee said...

One thing that we talked about in class was the threshold of dysfunction. I liked this idea because I've seen example of it in my own life. The threshold of dysfunction is where you have a lot of things that need to be done which all take a certain amount of energy to do. So then you start acting dysfunctionally because of all the things that need to get done in your threshold. When this happens you don't get things done effectively and sometimes you don't even get them done at all. Like Bro. Adams was saying, this happens a lot around midterm time. Papers are due, tests need to be taken, plus all our normal activities. I think that one way we can improve so that we don't start acting dysfunctionally is by not procrastinating. Also a way to improve this is to higher our threshold so that we can functionally handle more tasks.

Tamara Bates said...

ORGANIZING! YAY!!! February 1,2007

Last Thursday's class-when we started without Brother Adams, no offense Bro. Adams, was a great class! I'm so glad that we finally got our vision of where we are going. I guess thats why we're asked to make goals as members of a goal oriented church. Maybe thats why in the Book of Mormon, so many prophets had VISIONS so they knew where they were going. Yeah I pretty much think there's a purpose, and our class has one now. My mom has this sign hanging on one of her cupboards in the kitchen that says "if you aim at nothing, you will hit it" in other words if you're not aiming for anything you will hit nothing! I liked how we talked about the seven habbits, and how we will be using those in this "project". I think these will get fun to use as we get our specific jobs and needs lists from other groups and from the 455 class. I really liked too how we are focusing on the needs of our little "company" that we're making but also for the company the 455 class is consulting and the school's needs also. Isn't that what its about, when you serve others you're focusing on them, not you! It was a good class and I'M SO GLAD ITS MORE ORGANIZED!!!!!!

Claudiu Bora said...

Monday, February 12, 2007
According to the Success is Built on Inconvenience!
According to the Success is Built on Inconvenience! by Gary Ryan Blair these are some of the things that he sees in building success.
Impress this four-step philosophy on yourself, family, friends and associates: If you set a goal, achieve it, even if it's inconvenient. If you make a mistake, fix it, even if it's inconvenient. If you start something, finish it, even if it's inconvenient. If you make a promise, honor it, even if it's inconvenient If you make a commitment, fulfill it, even if it's inconvenient.
Well after I read the article I think success is more than coming to achieve what you are looking for but rather forming patterns that will lead to small, medium , large, extra large success as well long and short term success that in the end will shape your character. I feel that if we do things because the inconvenience the experience is different but if we sick the knowledge we learn more. I fee that the role of the teacher at BYU-Idaho has been changing with the new school president and there is a lot of adjusting to be made from the teacher but as well from the students. We need to get our from our comfort zone and sick that open potential that is available get our of our bobble and be rather proactive.

Posted by Claudiu Bora at 2:47 PM 0 comments