Thursday, February 15, 2007

Comm 150 2:00 pm Blog here all Valentine's Week!

Go ahead and post your comments and links to your blog here all week!


Tired And Bubbly said...

I guess I get to be the first to post here. I missed class Wed. Sorry everyone. I am not sure what we covered but I really feel like I missed out on a ton. SEE YOU ALL FRI.

Liz said...

Okay!! I wrote about Monday (talking sticks) and Wednesday (courage vs. consideration) and gum wrappers.

Peace out.

Angie Hendrix said...

Monday we watched a movie clip and then talked about the talking stick. I think sometimes we get so caught up in what we are going to say next we forget to listen to what the other person is telling us. We don’t fully understand there message, therefore we can’t empathic listen. We need to remember that to empathic listen we need to be able to rephrase the content and reflect the feeling. We also did the little role play about the neighbor and the dog. At first I had a hard time because we were both trying to empathic listen at the same time so the conversation couldn’t progress. I realized that one person has to be the one empathic listening at a time and then you have to switch roles. The other person is using biographical responses to direct the conversation. This role play made it a lot easier to actually try empathic listening so it is less awkward to do with another person in a real situation.

Wednesday we talked a lot about the maturity continuum. I was gone the first time we went over it so it is still a little bit new to me. We drew a grid that had W/W or no deal, L/W, W/L, and L/L on it. We talked about how W/L and L/W are on a defensive axis that most of us teeter on without even knowing. L/W is a passive defense quadrant in which you do for. The W/L quadrant is aggressive defensive in which you do to. This quadrant is where we feel like we have to defend our worth and be better than everyone else. The L/L quadrant is destructive and the W/W quadrant is constructive in which you do with. We also talked about the different layers of the maturity continuum. Starting at the bottom it goes co dependence, counter dependence, dependence (you), intra dependence (I, me), Interdependence (we), Independence, and last inter- dependence.

Courtney Kerr said...

Hmm...I wrote a lot because I haven't blogged since last monday...but we watched a movie clip from "Dances With Wolves" and talked about respect and talking sticks, we did a role play with a barking dog and a clogging roommate (how annoying!) and we started talking about Win/Win and Lose/Lose, the 4 quadrant thingy and aggressive/defensive dominant people and doormat people. We also talked about the maturity continuum a little more and how Intradependence includes the Lord, and that we should look to the Lord for our source of worth.

frozenguyChrisE said...

Hey! College time isn't sponge-time!

Unknown said...

Boise, Bands, a Great Depression Poem, and I think I probably mentioned Communications once or twice.

Anonymous said...

I blogged about communication.
where are we supposed to put our article summary?

Becky McCabe said...

I am severely challenged at this thing, I know we were supposed to respond to the slide show found in Blackboard, but I'm not sure when that blog belongs, I blogged about it on my page, but just so it's somewhere on Bro. Adam's I put it here because like I said, I wasn't sure where it belonged. Thanks for the patience and here is my blog about the slides. Sorry.
The first thing that I learned from the slideshow was the pattern of development and levels of ability and progress. It outlines the functionality of students as they go through college. It's all a part of the work and learning advancement evolution.
Then there were some charts that showed projections and plans for progress in a certain business, this progress plan is seperated into four different objectives: Financial, Customer, Internal Process, Associate. As part of this assingment we were supposed to relate this to life, and I think this part is very applicable to life and easy to cross over ideas and principles. This is how i interepreted these four objectives for my life, financial= mechanics of my life, details, customer= how I treat other people, friends, family, associates, Internal Process= my spirituality, soul, intelligence, heart, emotions, etc. Lastly Associate= my actions, my behavior, my ideas and oppinions, my operations, my motivations. Now that may make sense or it may not, but that is how I perceived it, and this is my blog, so then I guess it's right. Another personal application that I picked up on was that everything is connected. In business, one objective is not independent from another, a decision that is made in Customer Service also effects Internal Process and Associate etc. You can't make choices in business or in life and expect them to not have far reaching ramifications. This doesn't mean that you should become fearful and indecisive, it just means that you should be careful, think intelligently, and stay worthy of the spirit so that you can make correct and positive decisions quickly and effeciently in all areas of life.

Courtney Kerr said...

Okay, so I looked over the powerpoint and blogged about it along with my link to the article about interpersonal conflict and my insights and application on the topic. See you tomorrow!

Liz said...

I've done my write-up on an article, it's on my blog. Procrastination is bad for you, which I'm sure you all know and so do I, but I'm conciously incomptent about that fact.

Ryce25 said...

What does have to do with Hyrum Smith and "the world according to me"? Visit me at to find out. :)

Carol C. said...

"How 'bout I beat you with the talking stick?!"

Anonymous said...

So, what exactly are we supposed to do with those interpersonal conflict papers we wrote. I found a great article and wrote my paper and all. Everything is on my blog place but I don't think I am doing this right so you guys can all see it. If anyone has any tips that would be great!

Unknown said...

We do not remember days, we remember moments
lets make those moments happy and learn how to overcome our conflicts!

frozenguyChrisE said...

Interpersonal conflict article summary. Check it out. C'mon... I'll give you gummy bears...

Courtney Kerr said...

So...I'm not sure where we were supposed to blog about our class wednesday so I'm just going to stick it in here. On Wednesday we continued with our roleplay, we got a LOT further and have made progress, I still am not confident with it all, but it seems like the class is moving along hopefully we'll get this resolved soon!

Shae Warnick said...

Wednesday we got a lot further on the role play. I think the role play has done a great job teaching me to not prejudge and evaluate other people's motives and circumstances. My opinions of "Brad" have had a complete turn around.

Alex Warnick said...

The article I summarized was about how everything Stephen Covey says or the Arbinger Institute says, Ghandi said first. I also have my first empathic listening success story!

Anonymous said...

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