Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Company Name - Ideas

Please pitch all your ideas by wednesday night, thursday morning at the latest. We will be voting for them in class on thrusday and friday.
Be thinking about your Group and Firm Mission Statements


Benjamin Newson said...

I think that our company name should be Clark & Young. I think it is a good play on words.

Anonymous said...

I agree - I like the Clark and Young idea!

JP said...

ClarkandYoung sounds terrific!!!!

Travis said...

Three Cheers for Clark and Young.
Sounds Fresh!!

Rick said...

How about Coercive Consulting? It sounds agressive.

Scott said...

Clark and Young sounds professional.

C. Young said...

Let's call it Chase Young Consulting

Kaylee said...

I vote Clark and Young. But I'd have to say Coercive Consulting is my second choice.

Tamara Bates said...

clark and young is good for me!

Ian said...

I think Gerszewski and Young sounds a lot better.

Claudiu Bora said...

The Big Dady Consulting