Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Empathy when Emotions High and Trust Low--Comm 150 AM
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Peer-to-Peer: How Organizations Hear!
Also--rethinking education:
Today's quote:
"Give a student a text, lecture and test and you teach them for a semester. Get a student into "google"ing, case preparation and blogging, and they teach each other for a lifetime!"
--Brad A. Adams, a student taught by students!
Student Blogging: Expectations, Tips and Tricks
I'll also be modifying this to include blogging instructions for you as they are developed.
Stay patient and comfortable with the new learning as best you can--and start having fun with sharing your thoughts (appropriately) on line!
Blogging Expectations for each of BrAdams's students:
1. Create post in MS Word/equivalent
2. Spell and Grammar Check it
3. Post it to your blog (cut and paste)
4. Find the most recent post for this class on
5. Click on the comment link below that most recent post
6. Paste your Post in comment window
7. Find at least two other classmates blogs that do not have 2 comments on their post for the day. Leave good comments questions, observations there.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Empathic Listening & the Emotional Bank Account
I sense that class today felt frustrating to quite a few of you.
We've been trying in the role play to let you experience first hand what it would mean to
- reflect feeling
- rephrase content
when empathic listening is needed.
We've talked about the importance of empathic listening when both:
- trust is low
- emotion is high
Yet we're still developing skills in this area that is so critical to relationship and leadership success. Because this is a skill seldom learned by people it is helpful to understand that while we are still just moving past level 2, you will learn to be at 4 as part of this class:
4. Unconscious Competence
3. Conscious Competence
2. Conscious Incompetence
1. Unconscious Incompetence
Teen Wolf, Michael J. Fox, and Autobiographical Listening
Rather than have you read today from a text book, we'll let you "go fishing!"
- Please Google "Empathy" or "Empathic Listening" or "Empathetic Listening" or just "Listening."
- Find an article or some writing to read that you find informative and helpful given the topics shared in class.
- Create your post from at least three insights you gained during class presentation, discussion, the video, personal reflection or reading.
- Put it as a new post on your blog
- Make sure your blog is public, or create a new blog for this class that can be public
- Copy that post as a "comment" to this post of mine
- Make sure your post in my blog either highlights your name as the link to your blog, or type in the address or URL to your blog
- Go make comments on two other blogs.
Friday, January 26, 2007
The 5 branches that lead to effectiveness in any organizational tree
Below are their comments on the key disciplines that work together to create organizational effectiveness.
When emotions are high and trust is low . . .
Check out the comments below of students who are really learning to listen empathically.
The Praiseworthy Principle
We discussed the situation of a single mother who would be away from her children sometimes for days on end because of her work. Another woman would come stay with her children while she was gone. This woman began to express concern about the misbehavior of the children. The mother began to post a
Check out the comments below from these students who are really learning how to listen empathically.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Columbia's Final Mission
Organization Communications class today was about the space shuttle Columbia's final mission and the issues that arose within different areas of NASA that led to its distruction. The comments that follow will describe, through words and visuals, perspectives from the following disciplines:
1. People
2. Market
3. Capital
4. Technology
5. Organization
Check them out!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Effective and Efficient Time Management
Dear Time Management Students
Please post your comment's here regarding the Time Management lecture.
Later, I will edit my post with my thoughts about today's class.
Thanks! Brother Adams
Target Client Accounts--Who we choose to work with
Dear Comm 455 (Comm--Organizational Consulting)
After you have posted your entry for today's class to your blog, please copy your post as a comment to this post in my blog. Later, I will edit my post with my thoughts about today's class.
Thanks! Brother Adams
Autobiographical responses vs. empathic listening
After you have posted your entry for today's class to your blog, please copy your post as a comment to this post in my blog. Later, I will edit my post with my thoughts about today's class.
Brother Adams
Listening in tough, emotional situations
After you have posted your entry for today's class to your blog, please copy your post as a comment to this post in my blog. Brother Adams
Today's class: question about biological cycles and impact on communication, more male/female differences, Serving others vs serving selves, empathy is not sympathy--which is usually evaluation or sometimes interpretation. Autobiographical responses of APIE--advising, probing, interpreting and evaluating.